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D..écès de l’influenceuse Kenyane Brenda Akinyi Ochola (vidéo)

Ces derniers mois, les influenceuses africaines meurent dans des situations étranges. Brenda Akinyi Ochola, une influenceuse kényane sur Instagram, est décédée tragiquement en Malaisie, où elle était soupçonnée de trafic de drogue.

Brenda, connue sous le nom de Brendalicious, aurait succombé à l’éclatement de la drogue qu’elle transportait dans son estomac. Des rapports indiquent que la jeune femme a commencé à se comporter de manière étrange lors de son arrivée à l’aéroport de Malaisie, attirant ainsi l’attention des autorités de sécurité. Les sachets étant trop, ont explosé et elle a fait une overdose interne et est morte dans l’aéroport.

Malheureusement, Brenda est décédée malgré les tentatives de sauvetage. Des sources non confirmées ont révélé que 34 capsules de drogue ont été retrouvées dans son estomac.

Les publications de Brenda sur les réseaux sociaux reflétaient son mode de vie luxueux, ses voyages réguliers et ses vacances somptueuses.

A Kenyan Instagram influencer has d!ed while allegedly trafficking drugs.
According to reports from the country’s media, Brenda Akinyi Ochola, better known as Brendalicious, d!ed in Malaysia when the c@caine she was allegedly trafficking burst in her stomach.
She allegedly started acting weird when she arrived at the airport in Malaysia and this attracted security guards.
She is said to have fallen to the ground and started foaming from the mouth.
Efforts to save her proved abortive.
According to unconfirmed reports, 34 capsules of illicit drugs were found in her stomach.
Brenda’s social media posts documented her regular travels, lavish vacations, and luxurious lifestyle.
Following news of her d€ath, social media users took to various platforms to react.
Fly high counsel.
Kenyan “Instagram influencer” Brenda Akinyi Ochola aka Brendalicious.has died.She was allegedly trafficking drugs but the cocaine bag exploded in her stomach and she overdosed immediately, she died in Malaysia
May she RIP
Glancing thru her socials especially her Instagram it was easy to see why young people would covet her lifestyle or even consider her role model and she reminds of a certain celebrity in Kenya who has held the imagination of our younger ones and not so younger ones, the educated ones and the not so educated ones, they are on awe of her and will defend anything she does and do not see thru the inconsistencies and lies that she puts forward
What our folks go thru, to inspire us, is🚮.

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