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A lot of people from many countries are interested in the USA. This huge and densely populated country has created a lot of iconic images in media and mass culture which can be seen in different countries all over the world. Music, films, TV shows, video games, books and serials – it’s extremely hard to describe or at least name all the things that are produced there. 

From: Venezuela🇻🇪
Age: 50
Financial: Stable
Blood Type: AB
Height: 1,60
International languages: Spain and English
She is looking for serious relationship
He must be over 50-60 Years

From: equator
Age: 37
Financial: Stable
Blood Type: AB
Height: 1,56
International languages: Spain and English

She is looking for serious relationship
He must be over 45 Years

Depuis : États-Unis 🇺🇸
Âge : 37 ans
Ville natale : LAS Vegas
État civil : célibataire
Kids: 1
Financière : stable
Blood Type: B
Hauteur : 1.76
Langues internationales : français et anglais
Il cherche une relation sérieuse
From: USA 🇺🇸
Age: 38
Hometown: New York
Marital Status: Divorced
Kids: 1
Divorced in: 2020
Financial: Stable
Blood Type: A
Height: 1.65
International languages: English and french

Quality and quantity of products that are made in America make its reputation, so we can be absolutely sure that The USA will keep its status of the strongest economies in the world, but also the monopolist in the sphere of entertainment. Because of the newest technologies and development of the internet not only entertainment but also dating and making new relationships have become extremely easy – every person has an opportunity to search for “top 10 dating sites in the USA” and ask someone out an hour later. Everything is unbelievably fast and easy now.

Millions of tourists and immigrants attend the USA annually, but what makes America so appealing? Why do people seek living there and why does everyone dream about that American style of life? In other words, what makes America the country it is?

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« J’ai déménagé en Hollande avec lui ! Nous sommes ravis. »

Hans & Ines


« C’était comme si nous nous connaissions depuis des années. »



« J’ai rencontré mon partenaire ! Je me sens comme la femme la plus heureuse. »



« J’ai trouvé l’amour de ma vie sur ce site. »


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